Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Why are you being sanitized, Mommy?"

“Why are you being sanitized, Mommy?”
This questioning insight came from Jacy Pringle at her mother’s baptism.
Sara and Chad Pringle now live in the Broomfield neighborhood where Sara grew up. Coming from a broken home and life-shattering experiences, Sara chose to be a servant of the Lord. She was baptized into Christ at Discovery three years ago. She is pursuing a degree in education, teaching at a local preschool and working part-time at Discovery assisting Kim Koole with the Nursery and Little Explorers.

Born into a military family with Denver roots reaching back 100 years, Susanne Eck earned a degree in geology and a career working in oil exploration in Midland Texas. But, people, not things, were her passion. When a hearing impaired co-worker taught her sign language, Susanne returned to C.S.U. for a Masters in Special Education-- Hearing Impaired. It was there that she met and married Randy. They were baptized into Christ the year of their marriage. They have two children. Susanne teaches at the Betty Adams Early Childcare Center and works part-time at Discovery assisting Kim Koole with Adventure Zone.
  • What are the goals for the preschool program at Discovery?
    Susanne: We free parents to worship without the distraction of their children. While this is important, it is more than babysitting. We want children to learn the excitement, joy and love of God. They are loved, special. God made them. God is forgiving. They learn positive loving correction. It is a nurturing environment.
    Sara: We have a sign in the classroom that says, “Making mistakes is O.K. We can learn from them.” We want to provide an environment in addition to parents and school where children can find people to look up to. We want to teach the relevance of faith.
    Susanne: Tom and Rachel Morris developed a three-year curriculum that we help Kim Koole tweak each week. It’s good material and flexible.
  • What are the rewards for teaching preschoolers?
    Sara and Susanne: We get immediate hugs. We get to see them develop and watch their excitement in learning.
  • If you could gather adults considering teaching preschoolers, what would you like them to know?
    Susanne: I want them to learn how to take the abstract to the concrete for preschoolers.
    Sara: Get excited about children. I want them to see through kid’s eyes. Enjoy them!
  • How many more workers would you like to have each week?
    Sara and Susanne: 12 more adults and teens would be ideal for our three class areas.

Contact Kim Koole if you are interested in working with children.

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