Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If I’d had Jesus in my home I might have made different decisions.

Jack Paul is a gregarious guy. Husband to Lisa and father to Jackson and Connor he was reared near Orlando and served four years in the Navy as a cryptographer.

He attended college and worked as a server in a local restaurant. “My customer wanted cocktail sauce for his Calamari. We were out, so I ran down the street to get it for him. It turns out he was the president of a hotel chain and offered me a job in hotel management." Today Jack is the General Manager for Doubletree Hotel in Westminster.

Jack had it made: wife, children, great job, home in McKay Landing.

“My earliest experience with the Christian faith was in the Navy. Sundays we were given the choice of church or cleaning the barracks. I chose the protestant church service. I thought it was cool that they sang the Beatles song, “Let It Be.”

“I was approaching a mid-life birthday and knew something was missing. My brother had recently become a Christian. That’s amazing! We were born into a Jewish home, but were not familiar with the Jewish faith. I could tell a difference in him. He was at peace. I thought, ‘I want that!’”

Jack had some requirements for any church that he would attend: no formal dress, no guilt trips, no pressure about money. Lisa Cuss told Jack’s wife, “Oh you’ll love my husband. He wears jeans and a sweatshirt.”

The community and acceptance they found at Discovery brought Jack and Lisa back again and again. The sermons spoke directly to Jack’s questioning heart. He chose to follow Jesus and was baptized in March of this year.

Who has helped you along on your spiritual journey?
“My small men’s study group has been important. These guys really know the Bible.”

What kind of service for the Lord stirs you?”
“I feel like I’m guided to find people who are growing – who need the Lord. I was cynical. I want to help others. It’s easy to talk about Jesus and the church. I talk about Him to other people.”

What’s next? What is the next stage of your growth?
“My life group. I need to get better at reading the Bible. It’s still new and unfamiliar – except for the Gospel of John. I need a ‘Bible for dummies’.”
“I’d love to be able to quote scripture. I admire those who can.”
“I want to become more of a role model for my boys and other people. If I had had Jesus in my home, I might have made some different decisions.”

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