Thursday, April 9, 2009

Small Children are Awesome!

Discovery is the predictable church for Rori Carmichael. The Nebraska born, Missouri bred 17 year-old daughter of David and April Carmichael has discovered quite a bit in her life.
“We moved a lot and I got angry when I had to leave friends.” She found new ones in new towns and that includes Broomfield.
“I gave my heart to the Lord when I was eight or nine. I heard my parents and brothers talking about some Bible issues and it all seemed to make sense. I asked my Dad a question and he answered it. That’s when I asked Jesus to come into my life. My Dad baptized me the following Sunday.”
Rori is home schooled.
“It requires a lot of discipline. I have to do my schoolwork whether I’m in the mood for it or not. I find my motivation.”
What brought the family to Discovery?
“We worshipped here when we visited Aaron and Dave [brothers] who moved to Colorado some years before. It was our natural home when we came to Broomfield.
Rori worked with children in a church setting back in Missouri. At Discovery she worked in Little Explorers (the “nearly two’s”) and currently in Adventure Zone (ages 3 to Pre-K). “I always liked kids. They respond to you if you act naturally and don’t talk down to them.”
What are the rewards of working with small children?
“Small kids remember what you teach and associate the Bible lesson with the teacher. Sometimes they will greet you that way. It’s fun to watch them learn. It’s awesome to think that I’m a permanent part of their lives. Over a short time, you get to know a lot of children and meet some great parents as well.”
What’s on her agenda after graduating this spring?
“I’ll do a year at Front Range College completing my core subjects. After that I’ll go to a college for training in either Occupational or Physical Therapy. I’ve always wanted to help people.”
How does she feed her soul?
“Thursday night youth group is important. My family’s spiritual life is basic. I try to do devotions in the morning, but I’m not consistent. My sister-in-law, Anne got me connected with the youth group. She knows what I need to hear, the scripture I need to read, can confront or encourage me. She always seems to know me.”
What have been the major discoveries at this point in your Christian life?
“Prayer, service and patience. Having Jesus makes life much easier!”

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