Thursday, April 9, 2009

I decided I needed to pursue Jesus.

January 18, 2003
“Damn! How could God let this happen!” Fifth year long jumper Todd Bjerkass from Washington University in St. Louis lay on a gurney after his first meet of the season. Nationally ranked in Division III track and field, he was trying for a jump of 22 feet. He hit the take-off board with the force of one landing from a second story window. His foot broke, his athletic season ended and his anger went heavenward.
January 19, 2003
Lying in the hospital, Todd read the story of his friend and fellow athlete who suffered a career ending injury in football. “Don’t worry coach, God has a lot more in store for me,” was the player’s response.
“Something clicked inside me when I read that,” said Todd. “I decided I needed to pursue Jesus.”
An Air Force kid, he had lived in Boston, the Azores, D.C. and O’Fallon Illinois.
“We went to church every Sunday, but that was the extent of our spiritual life. I met Katelin the year I was injured. Our first quality conversation was about our faith.”
Todd, with degrees in architecture, landscape architecture and planning, works for a landscaping design firm.
How did they connect with Discovery?
“We moved here and did the church shopping thing. At Discovery Laura Brasov connected us with several families. There is a real sense of community.”
Todd is active in men’s Bible studies.
“I can’t imagine living life without it. We were meant to be in community. Men need to talk about their issues. I can see how our study together bleeds into our work, family church and personal life. There is a difference in the relationships between couple’s and men’s small groups. Men respond differently from women. Men can encourage each other about their own issues: leadership, family, work, anger, temptation.”
Why don’t more guys get into small Bible study groups?
“A couple of reasons. First, life is so busy. Second, our pride stops us.”
How does Todd Bjerkaas stay refreshed?
“Foundry, Discovery’s 20’ & 30’s group meets once a month. That’s important to me. So is my men’s Bible study group. Sunday morning is very refreshing for me.”
2009 & beyond
What are Todd’s plans and dreams?
“My plans have never turned out the way that I thought they should and I’m grateful for that. For me it’s about a life well lived, as the Book of Proverbs describes. My goal is to have open ears and eyes to find God’s will.”
What’s the upcoming Thursday men’s breakfast about?
“We thought that other men need to experience this.” We’re inviting all the men of the church to join us at the warehouse for breakfast, catching up and study. We’ll share our joys, struggles, needs and pray for each other. Open and honest is the key. It will be an appropriate place to share.”

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