Thursday, April 9, 2009

IMPACT - Interview with Dan Koole & Tom Morris

Discovery Weekly April 5, 2009
We’ve asked Tom Morris and Dan Koole to give us a report on the Impact Campaign.

Tom grew up in Eastern Pennsylvania. After graduating from Johnson Bible College, he and Rachel followed their interest in church planting to Broomfield where they served with the original team that planted Discovery. He is the Impact Project Manager.

Dan’s family was active with the Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa. “Sending out servant hearted disciples with a passion for the world” was their vision that sticks with Dan to this day. He and Kim dated and married here in Colorado and are deeply involved in our work. Dan is our Continuation Team Leader.

What is Impact?
Tom: It’s the name of our Capital Campaign to raise funds for our 18-acre property and proposed building.
Dan: It is challenge, faith and sacrifice for 61 families who have made a financial commitment. It’s an impact on individuals making this commitment.

Where have we been and where are we now?
Tom: It’s a two-tier program. We closed on the property in 2005 with people making three-year commitments in excess of $400,000. With the arrival of Steve Cuss we took a break while Steve brought his vision to bear on this campaign. It worked well. Our second tier began in April of 2008 with the question, “What is God asking you to do?”
Dan: Families have committed $891,000 April 2008 – April 2011.

How have the funds been used?
Tom: Fees for design and development of the site plan and building concept, Interest payments on our land debt, and the city approval process. We also contribute 10% of the Impact offerings to the global component of Discovery Church.

What effect has the economy had on Impact?
Tom: First, people have a concern that the economy may impact their ability to give. Second, cheap materials and labor are available. This is our opportunity to move forward with the project. Discovery got healthier financially because of growth and management. Financial stewardship is a strength of this church.

What are our next three steps?
Dan & Tom: First, the church needs to continue to grow and remain vibrant. That’s crucial!
Tom: Second, we need to complete the approval process for our site plan with Broomfield County. This is time consuming and includes a lot of meetings. Our next steps are neighbor meetings and costing with a contractor.
Third, We need someone to partner with us to create a revenue stream.

What does “partner with us” mean?
Tom: We need to find a buyer for some of the land or a developer who is interested in the right kind of commercial development for a parcel.

What factors determine how we fund the building project?
Impact: Current capital campaign
$3 Million estimated cost of our property and new facility
Amount church can provide from general operating fund

Tom: This has three sides as illustrated above. The more money we can raise through Impact the better for the other two parts. The better we can contain the $3 million estimated cost of the project, the easier it will be to fund it. Long term, a church must be able to support this venture from the general operating fund. We are taking some steps to do that right now.

What steps are being taken to free up money from our general operating fund?
Tom: Financial people tell us that a common benchmark of 30% of the general operating fund should be allocated for debt service. Our leadership team has made the following decisions:
1. We established a reserve fund for stability and flexibility that equals 1-3 months of our expenses. This is the same thing that families are encouraged to do with their own budgets. Over time our contribution to the reserve fund will be made to the capital campaign.
2. We make a general operating fund contribution to Impact.
3. We are careful with our financial stewardship.

Wouldn’t it be easier to continue to meet in rented facilities?
Tom: I believe this is something Discovery needs to do. It will stretch us in the ways we need to be stretched. Meeting in a rented facility hinders our ministry and impact on the community.

What can people new to Discovery do to participate in Impact?
Dan: Make a commitment to support this important project through April 2011. Pray seriously and pray often. This is a God-sized task.
Tom: Ask questions. We have an accountability structure.

We have a general site plan and an exterior concept. Unofficially, what would you like to see the building do for our work?
Dan: Expand our current programs such as Children's Ministry and allow for new/unique ideas such as the community garden.
Tom: Onsite ministry to under-resourced people. Shared community space.
Continuation of the things we do and enjoy.

Our Impact and Building Team are meeting monthly to move forward on these initiatives. Please continue to pray for our efforts and feel free to ask any questions or offer feedback.

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