Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our faith experience is like a roll of barbed wire – cyclical.

the stretch
Can you improve an ideal world? Rebecca Bennett was born and reared in Connecticut with vacations in a beautiful, protected chautauqua village on Maine’s southern coast. Her parents worshipped and served with a 350 year-old Congregational church that met in its original building. “I remember it being about God, but there was no personal relationship with Jesus.” She traveled to Vermont to go to college. Then, Rebecca decided to stretch. Leaving her home and ignoring an elusive faith, she crossed the Green Mountains, the Adirondacks, the Mississippi and the Plains. “I came out because I wanted to go some place different, I loved Colorado, and, by the way, Steve was here.”

the reach
Marriage and a career in pharmaceutical marketing consumed life.
When did she discover her own faith in Jesus Christ?
“It was in the middle of our struggle to conceive children that my faith began to emerge.” Dreams of parenthood seemed repeatedly elusive. Anger directed toward God turned to complete trust as she released her control of the situation.
“A minister once told me that our faith experience is like a roll of barbed wire – cyclical. There are ups and downs, some pain and sticking points. But you make progress.”
How did she come to Discovery?
“Steve was motivated to find a church, so he started the search. Discovery was meeting in Lafayette at the time. It was too far and didn’t have a Sunday school. We had all the excuses. Besides, Sunday morning was when I did gardening. Then the church moved to Aspen Creek. We attended and grew.”

The grasp
How did Rebecca get involved in the meals ministry?
“I was asked to prepare a meal for a lady who was coming home from the hospital with a newborn. It was a great opportunity to serve and was appreciated by the new moms. But the meals were only taken to new moms and the ones well connected to the church. When Steve and Lisa came from Vegas, he encouraged me to pursue my vision and expand this ministry.”
What is the meals ministry doing now?
“The women of Discovery are amazing! We are taking food to others, as we know their needs. Discovery’s outreach to the community is great. We get to help people we don’t know.”
What does the future of this ministry look like?
“I hope we will be able to help moms with child care, the elderly with yard work and become a source for community help. It’s not easy for some to accept help.”
Rebecca has a gift for organization and coordinating programs. So, how does a controller stay spiritually refreshed?
“My personal dream as a control person is to have the peace that comes with turning it all over to the Lord. Having a verbal five year-old is humbling and reminds me of spiritual things. Surrounding myself with the right people is important as is placing myself in situations that stretch me: serving, Bible study, and parenting.”

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