Thursday, April 9, 2009

Explore Your World Summer Day Camp

Kelly Little and Kevala Kenna and a core of dedicated workers forged Explore Your World Summer Day Camp for underprivileged children. Was that what she thought it would be?
“We naively thought that we could bring in some needy kids for a few days of soccer in the back yard. We wanted to do a relationship event that involved our own children. God had something more in mind.
With the help of the Broomfield Community Foundation, Food Bank, Health & Human Services referrals we saw our small project balloon. Funding came from some local churches, a garage sale and door-to-door soliciting. Volunteers arrived and we served 60 kids ages 4 -11 from 9-3 each day. We also did some child care for some working parents.”
How do you know whether this effort succeeded or not?
“’The workers are so loving!’ When we heard that, we knew we had shared the love of God.”

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