Wednesday, April 29, 2009

“I can outlast the criers.”

            How can two southpaws join hands in marriage?  Jim and Kim Hagel have midwestern roots but met in Southern California.  A friend asked Kim if Jim could call her.  “Tell him to call me at work between 4:30 and 5:00,” were the starting parameters.  He did.  They dated and eventually married.  Jim, the MBA had the wedding on a spreadsheet.

Jim: “We came in under budget.”

     Jim works for the Integer Group, a promotional advertising agency.  Kim is in HR with Research Electro-Optics, a company that makes precision optical components in Boulder. 

What brought you to the Lord and Discovery?

Jim: “I dropped out of church after high school.  I came back to it when Kim and I got married.  I felt it would be a good example for Cameron and would provide me with an opportunity to connect spiritually with a group”

Kim: “I grew up in church, but it was not a priority for our family.  When Cameron was two, I felt the need to return to church.  A kid working in the mailroom at work witnessed to me.  I finally accepted Christ.  Our church merged with Shepherd of the Hills Christian Church.  I was involved in their children’s & youth programs.  We came to Colorado and started with Discovery when Rocky Mountain Christian Church planted it.

Jim:” We’ve been setting up for ten years.”

What do you like about Discovery?

Kim: “It feels comfortable – like home.  People genuinely care and take care of each other.”

Jim: “People are genuine.  Our small group got us through Cameron’s cancer.”

Kim has been involved in Little Explorers, the 2 – 3 year-old children’s class.  She’s in there every other Sunday.

Kim: “It’s my favorite age.  I lead the lesson and move the kids from activity to activity.  The challenge is connecting with them and making them feel comfortable and safe.  They still like to give hugs.”

Kim is known for helping children deal with separation anxiety.

Kim: “I can outlast the criers.”

Jim works with Adventure Zone, 3 to 5 year-olds.

Jim: “Generally I’m the storyteller.  I enjoy drama and like to act out the story.  I live in my own world anyway”

What is the next step in your spiritual journey?

Jim: “I need to be around more people.  If God’s kingdom is here on earth, I need to interact and be an integral part of their lives.”

Kim: “I’d love to staple myself to someone and learn from her.  I've found good mentors to be wonderful.  I’ve learned so much from them.

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