Thursday, April 9, 2009

One cloud. One lightning bolt.

One cloud. One lightning bolt. One star over a manger scene in suburban Indianapolis. Kazaam!! Baby Jesus was blown out of his splintered manger on New Year’s Day. The high voltage jumped to the doorbell and traveled into Jeff and Jennifer Stanley’s dream home expending its wrath. What a way to start the year!
Jeff and Jennifer are Hoosiers who started dating while students at Indiana University.
Jeff: “I majored in pre-med. and psych. wanting to be a psychiatrist until I discovered I don’t like blood.” Jeff spent some years in administration at I.U and the Indiana State Department of Education before assuming his current role as a senior policy planner for State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEA). “I love making policy!”
Jennifer is a pediatric nurse with Denver’s Children’s Hospital.
Jennifer: “I can sleep anywhere. Once I slept through a tornado.”
With roots in Indianapolis, what brought them to Colorado and Discovery?
Jennifer: “I began my faith as a child and deepened my commitment during my college years.”
Jeff: “I didn’t take my early church training seriously until after we were married. Jennifer told me, ‘This is important to me. I’m going and you can come if you want.’
Since it was important to Jennifer, I decided to give church an honest try. One day I was really seeking God and prayed, ‘What do you want me to do?’ Then it hit me. I came alive!”
“God brought us to Colorado. I had an opportunity with SHEEA and Jennifer had a job with Children’s Hospital.”
How did they connect with Discovery?
Jennifer: “Our home church helped plant Discovery. We came wanting to serve with this congregation.”
That’s quite a transplant! What motivates you?
Jeff: “I want my life to be defined by service. I fought the Lord during my young adult years. I’ve got time to make up.”
Jennifer: “We want to give our children a solid foundation to return to.”
What do they like doing at Discovery?
Both: “Kid’s Quest. We set up each week and teach every other week.”
Jeff: There’s something to be said for worshipping in a school. We develop community and ownership. It’s not about the possessions or a building.”
Jeff: We started a group who will help people sign up for Social Security and get through the paper work. That’s an exciting ministry.”
How do you keep yourself refreshed?
Jennifer: The Bible and Bible studies. Worship songs.
Jeff: Service – I’m not over committed yet. I love being with people who love me and want to be my friend.”
They still have a manger scene, but the Stanley’s relationship with the Lord is not confined to the front lawn. There’s lightning in the air.

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