Thursday, July 2, 2009

Turning the Page

Lauaren Longwell's military father moved the family to nine states during her school years. A graduate of the University of Richmond, she has a Master's degree in Business, IT, and Project Management from John Hopkins. She and her husband Jason, have two sons Tyler and Josh.

What were the events that influenced you to become a follower of Christ?

I went to parochial schools. Religion was a comforting tradition, but impersonal value system in my life. In my senior year of college, the Navigators' pursued me. I thought, "I'm doing all right. Why do I need this?" Then it hit me. I was successful but not truly joyful. And they were successful and joyful. The aroma of Christ rolled off them. Interestingly, Jason, whom I was dating at the time, was making his own commitment to Christ at the same time in Delaware.

How did you grow from there?

Married in 2000, we attended Grace Fellowship Church, where we were connected as Young Life leaders. We had the honor of hearing and obeying God's call to love the "unchurched" high schoolers exactly where they were, on their walk and on their home turf. Through our experiences at Young Life and committing to daily disciplines, our hearts transformed producing true fruit in our lives.

How did you get to Discovery church?

Jason's job was transferred here. I asked God for a playground nearby where I could get to know young mothers and for a community bible study. Laura Brasov and Marlan Muller came to my door 10 minutes after I moved in and invited me to both events. They connected us with Discovery. When Tyler and I were ill on different occasions, they brought meals, baby sat, prayed, and sat with us in the hospital. Steve called. We hadn't run long and deep with these people, but they loved us as if we had.

Your oldest son Tyler was bullied in day care?

Tyler was three when we put him in a good daycare/preschool. The principal called to say that my son was being beaten, pushed, and pinched by another child. Tyler was afraid to enter a room of children for fear that a bully would be there. We removed him from the daycare. I told Discovery's Children's Director, Kim Koole. Her husband, Dan and other Adventure Zone leaders explained to Tyler about God's strength, his shield, and protection. Tyler followed him into class. They gave me reinforcement ideas for the following week. Tyler wasn't afraid to go into the classroom at Discovery. My sons love the kid's program

Jason has been transferred back to Maryland. What piece of Discovery do you want to take with you as you turn the next page of life?

Reprioritization. God and family are first with financial and time margin built into our daily lives. Impactful life. Challenges will occur so we pray our joy and contentment are not due to circumstance.

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