Monday, July 13, 2009

Introducing Kim Hagel: Leadership Team Candidate

My Journey So Far - I was raised Presbyterian. Was taken to church on Sundays but that was about the extent of religion in my growing up years. When Cameron was born, it was important to me to get back to church. About that same time I hired Larry to work in the mail room. He began witnessing to me. One day he prayed with me in my office and I accepted Christ. I visited several churches and finally landed at Hillcrest Christian which later merged with Shepherd of the Hills in California. I've learned a lot about the Bible, who God is, and who I am in Christ since that time. I still have a lot to learn. I have been with Discovery since the beginning. Have been active in small groups and women's groups for several years. I'm constantly learning more and more about God and my relationship with Him.

Your Particular Giftedness and Passion - My gift is service, it is definitely where I am most comfortable. My passion is children. I feel God put me on this earth to take care of kids.

Weaknesses and Strengths - Weaknesses - saying no and delegating. Strengths - good listener, lots of energy, comfortable taking charge. Guess that is a weakness as well

The Time of Suffering and How it Resolved - My son was diagnosed with cancer at age 16. Throughout it all we were surrounded by prayer warriors both from Cameron's school and Discovery. When there were times throughout the illness that I was scared, worried, etc.. I also had a certain peace that all would be well. Only those that truly know God can understand that peace. Cameron is 25 now and healthy.

What do Titus 1:5-9 and I Timothy 3:1-7 mean to you? - These passages set the expectation and define the traits of a leader. In order for church to be effective in spreading the gospel and sharing the good news of Christ, the leaders of the church must be an example of Christian life.

I have read through the passages and do not believe that there's anything in my life that would prohibit me from serving in a leadership capacity. I am divorced and remarried. If the statement of "the husband of but one wife" conflicts with that, then perhaps I am not fit for the team. I am in no way perfect. I do enjoy a glass of wine but am not prone to drunkenness.

Theology and Trinity - bible/gifts/salvation/discipleship/baptism/mission -

Trinity - The clear understanding of and belief in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God the Father is the creator and there is only one God. Jesus is God's Son and it is through our belief in Him that we receive salvation. The Holy Spirit lives within us to guide, encourage and comfort us.

Gifts - God has equipped each of us with different gifts or strengths. One is not better than the other. All are needed in the church. Our responsibility is to understand what our gift is and use it.

Salvation - No one goes to the Father except through the Son. Salvation is our reward for following Jesus. It is a gift. It is not something that can be earned. We are saved by confessing our belief in Christ and making Him the Lord and Savior of our life.

Discipleship - We are disciples of Christ. We must be sure we are leading a life that represents Him and we are responsible for sharing our faith so that others may come to know Him.

Baptism – This is an expression of obedience. When we get baptized we are dying to our old self and being resurrected a new person in Christ.

Mission - As a body of believers we are tasked with the responsibility of sharing the gospel to all parts of the world. By partnering with and supporting missions locally and globally we are fulfilling that responsibility

To know you more deeply, please comment on at least three of the following questions.

1. How you define the church? - I define church as a body of believers. It is not a building or the rituals, it is the people. Throughout the life of a congregation, members will come and go, but the church still remains. It remains because the central focus is God. It is a blessing to celebrate, cry, learn, and grow with a body of believers who love God.

2. " Nothing happens without risk." How does this statement hit you? Discuss what risk is in your mind. Refer to a time in your life you took a risk. What happened? In your writing, talk about how your faith plays a role in decisions that demand risk.

If you are risk avoidant, then you will not grow and will become stagnant. One must be courageous enough to step out in faith and know that even if you make a mistake, it is OK, you will have learned something and you will have moved forward. In my mind, risk is not negative, it is an opportunity to stretch yourself as well as demonstrate that you are confident that God will see you through it.

Time in my life when I took a risk: I was in the middle of a union organizing attempt at a plant in Wisconsin. The CEO of the company wanted to fly to Wisconsin and, "talk to those guys" before the vote. Allowing him to go and address the troops was too dangerous. During a union organizing attempts, just about anything an employer does has the potential for turning into an unfair labor practice. I knew the CEO would speak his mind, and that could really cost the company. I prayed and asked for wisdom and guidance. I told the CEO he could not go. Needless to day he was a bit taken aback at my boldness in telling, the founder and CEO of the company that he could not visit one of his manufacturing plants. His response to me was, "Fine. I won't go, but if we lose the vote, it is your job." I continued to pray for a positive outcome for the company, for the election, and had a sense of peace. I knew before I received the phone call on the day of the election that we had won and the union lost.

When faced with decisions that have risk associated with it, I seek guidance and wisdom through prayer. I have learned the importance of that "little voice" (Holy Spirit). I realize that there is a bigger plan that what I can possibly comprehend and I need to rely on the one that is much wiser than me.

3. What are some compelling books that you have read in the past year? Why did they intrigue you?
Influencer - Intrigued me because it addresses the important capacity we possess to influence ourselves and others. It talks about changing the toughest of circumstances by changing behaviors. Using praise versus the use of punishment. There are several stories in this book that demonstrate how significant change in prisoners, diseases, etc. were positive changed by identifying the vital few behaviors and focusing on them, and by honoring choices and trusting in people.
No Complaining Rule - Focusing on ridding ourselves of mindless complaining and working on identifying solutions to legitimate complaints. The results that can obtained when your shift from focusing on the numbers and begin focusing on people, and providing positive reinforcement.

Considering the practical aspects of serving on the Leadership team, please comment on your current life situation in regards to:

Availability - I do not have children at home, and currently do not have to travel with my job. I have recently been recruited to be part of the women's leadership team. There may be occasions where I have to juggle meetings.
Willingness - I am willing to serve. I am viewing this as an opportunity to grow and learn.
Ability to make decisions - I am a decisive person and do not get stuck in the cycle of over analysis.
Leadership Style - I believe that leadership is a partnership process. I am responsible for letting people know what I expect of them., and what they can expect from me. I set the example and am willing to get my hands dirty. I would not ask anyone to do what I myself would not be wiling to do. Leadership is a matter of heart. My joy in leading people is helping them grow and see what potential they have. I also believe that leaders must be willing to learn from those that they lead.
Contributions you could make to the team - Not sure, as I do not know what the current needs are. I have 30+ years of business experience with over 23 of those years in management. My HR experience will lend itself to any people issues that may need addressed. I have overseen the construction of a facility as well as overseen the several moves of equipment and people.

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