Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Journey. The Discovery.

They both came from very conservative, legalistic Churches of Christ. Blake Hill was born at Ellsworth AFB outside Rapid City when his father was in military. Ministry followed military and Blake's family moved off and on - typical for their church fellowship.

Kimberly grew up in Pleasanton, CA in the East Bay Area. A five-year friendship developed into courtship and they were married 11 years ago. Blake, a CPA, works for Summit Integrated Systems. Kimberly, an accountant, is a stay at home mom, caring for Griffin - 5, and Adam - 3.

Tell me about your journey. When did you become Christians and "own"your faith?

Blake: I became a Christian at age 9. Church was never optional, but it always felt right to go. I went to Bible camps and youth rallies and was actively serving land leading at a young age.

Kimberly: I became a Christian when I was young. Our churches were good and developing knowledge - based relationships with the Lord, rather than anything spirit lead.

Both: We always " owned" our faith. It just wasn't full.

When did it become personal - full?

Kimberly: We ventured outside of the Church of Christ fellowship after we were married. Legalistic churches exhausted us. We found a church that emphasize relationships, was less judgmental, and developed community. I wanted to worship with people who knew we were all broken and would help each other along. I wanted a place I could bring my neighbors.

Blake: we were in Portland, and started worshipping with a Vineyard church.

What brought you to Discovery?

Kimberly: We came to Colorado for the 300 days of sunshine per year. Brad and Angie Black lived close. We both had infant children. I asked her about church and she told me about Discovery.

What is appealing about Discovery?

Blake: It's an easy place to bring new people, long-time disciples or seekers. The preaching is honesty and down to earth. And no one acts like they have it all figured out. We're all on a journey, moving closer to God.

Kimberly: Discovery doesn't get hung up on longstanding tradition or petty issues that divide rather than unite. Strong emphasis is put on connecting with others and journeying together.

What excites you about Discovery's future?

Both: Our youth group will be amazing! There's so many little kids here who will be teenagers in 10 years. They'll have great potential to impact their schools and the community for the Lord.

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