Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let's Party!

Jack Paul has been working in the hospitality industry for years. He is the General Manager of Doubletree Denver North Hotel and understands the needs of his guests. Our impending move to the Arabian Horse Center will offer a whole new environment in which to welcome and serve people.

What will happen when I walk in the front door of the Center?

The Arabian Horse Center gives us a new opportunity to design the interior for welcome, worship and classes. Along with this we plan to alter the way we greet guests by making it warmer. This can be done with colors and general design of the areas we use. We'd like our greeters to meet our guests and escort them to worship, even sitting with them if it is appropriate. Wouldn't it be great to have kids escort kids to Kid's Quest? It is the personal attention that has been the mark of people who love.

Explain the “10-Minute Party.”

The goal is to help our guests make a lasting connection with people at Discovery. Guests will join our volunteers representing different demographic groups (20-somethings, families, empty-nesters) in an adjacent room for 10 minutes after our worship service where they will have, music, home-made snacks (cookies, rolls) and -- “party.” We will meet guests, find out about them and answer questions about our church and her programs. It will be an opportunity to hear their needs and offer direction or assistance. These are conversations that can develop into friendships. We plan for our hosts to distribute information cards with their own name and phone number. It is a focused effort to start something lasting with people. They will have a person or a face as a friend. Discovery is more than a church – it is a community.

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