Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Learning how to be good stewards of what God gave us."

Ben and Nathalie Klopfenstein agreed to eliminate their credit card debt before their wedding, but still brought thousands of dollars in student loan debt into their marriage. Ben works in IT for an accounting firm and is a full time student. Nathalie is a biologist for a biotech company. They enrolled in the 13-week Financial Peace University course designed by Dave Ramsey. In the 12 months since entering the program they have eliminated all of Nathalie’s student loans.

What surprised them about the FPU program? “The power of compound interest,” says Ben. “The cash envelope system and the process for eliminating debt,” observed Nathalie.

How are they better off for getting involved in a formal financial program?

“Financial management is now the strongest part of our marriage. Sticking to a budget has made us a team. The security of having an emergency fund is both a game changer and an attitude changer. We paid off college loans much quicker.”

It’s been a tough year for many families. What do you say to families who believe they are too “broke” to have anything to manage?

Ben: “Most people have some kind of resources. When we manage a little bit well, it usually brings more and that can turn the tide. The principles Dave Ramsey teaches will help people in crisis. It takes being willing to give something up to get something better.”

So why are they going through the program a second time?

“We wanted a refresher. It also gave us a chance to help facilitate. This is a matter of learning how to be good stewards of what God gave us”

Ben and Nathalie will be attending the Financial Peace University Simulcast on March 13 from 1-6 at the Aspen Creek School 5500 Aspen Creek Drive, hosted by the Discovery Christian Church. The cost is $10. Information: discovery-church.org or 303-885-2781.

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