Wednesday, January 27, 2010

“By the grace of God, I am what I am”

Chris & Beth Cuilla

They met when Beth hired Chris to work in a men’s clothing store while he was attending Northern Illinois University. They later married and moved to Colorado when Chris, a software engineer got a job offer. Katlyn and Erika complete their family.

When did you decide to follow Jesus Christ?

Chris: During my college years, I rebelled against my conservative Lutheran background. Our move to Denver introduced me to Tom, a Christian co-worker. Over time he coached/mentored me to begin a spiritual walk. Meanwhile Katlyn was asking questions about church. We started attending Riverside Baptist Church.

Beth: I was skeptical and thought Chris was going off the deep end. My grandparents had a strong faith and I had warm memories of them even as a toddler. But my father was anti-church and my family had a bad experience with judgmental attitudes, so we didn’t attend church. When Chris was starting his spiritual journey, we saw the late Reggie White, NFL Defensive End, speak of playing while injured. He said, “I’ve prayed about it and God said it would be fine.” Chris said, “Maybe there is something to this God stuff.”

Chris: I committed my life to Christ in a restaurant.”

Beth: I could sense the Holy Spirit’s presence that night. I committed my life to Jesus the following Sunday. We were both baptized soon after.

What brought you to Discovery Church?

Beth: A yellow mailer with a classic Cadillac on it convinced us Discovery must be a different sort of Church.

What is appealing about the church?

Both: It vibes authenticity and sincerity. It is centered on the person of Jesus Christ. They have respect for everyone’s distinct experience/journey to a relationship with God.

What’s difficult in the Christian life?

Beth: Everything! Rearing children to have a life and faith of their own.

Chris: Developing ways to serve God as a software engineer.

How do you keep yourselves refreshed?

Chris: Writing new software. When I’m creative, maybe I’m participating with God in the creative process.

Beth: I’m refreshed when I enjoy my marriage.

What advice would you offer to new Christians?

Chris: Continue to get close to people for mutual support. Be yourself. You are wired in a special way.

Beth: We must teach our children to look at themselves as a marvel. They are unique and must respect differences in others.

What is your favorite Scripture?

Chris: Proverbs 3:5,6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart….”

Beth: 1 Corinthians 15:10 – “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Lovin' People"

Jakob and Robbin Brown

What’s the goofiest thing you did in the past year?

Jakob: “I met Robbin, got engaged, married all in less than a year.”

Robbin: “That’s not goofy.”

Jakob: “It’s not goofy, just fast for me.”

Meet Jakob and Robbin Brown. Jake is the Middle School Ministry Director at Discovery Church. They are in their first year of marriage and wise beyond their years. Jakob grew up in Thornton in a family of four. He attended CSU and will be finishing at Metro State. Robbin grew up in Englewood and Thornton in a family of five. She attended Nyack College in New York and finished at Metro State.

When did you decide to follow Jesus Christ?

Jakob: “No one in my immediate family is Christian. A mentoring couple who was part of a STARS program influenced me. One Sunday they took me to Flatirons Community Church. I gave my life to Christ three days later.”

Robbin: “I grew up in a Christian home. My father was the lead Pastor of the Northern Hills Christian Church. I thought the Bible made some sense and I wanted to follow Christ. I was baptized at age nine. We went on an inner city mission trip to New York when I was 12. I rededicated my life and have been on mission trips most summers since that time.”

Jakob’s role at Discovery is part time.

Tell us about your other Job, Jake.

“I work at GOALS, a non-profit organization helping high-risk kids from generally low-income families get through the teen years as healthy adults. We use incentives to help train students to mentor other students.”

Robbin, where do you work?

“I’m a Ministry Advancement Administrator for Dare to Share Ministries. We train students during weekend retreats to share their faith.”

What is your vision for Middle School kids?

Jakob: “Three things:

Ø We want to mentor them. One-on-one mentoring changed my life. Kids need stable adult influence in addition to their parents.

Ø We want to challenge them to think about their faith. Examine what they believe.

Ø We want to challenge them to develop the way they express their faith.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Jakob: “I want to do full-time youth ministry in a local church.”

Robbin: “I’d love to work with the whole family unit including kids.”

How do you keep yourselves refreshed?

Robbin: “I love movies and I love being with friends.”

Jakob: “Watching sports with friends. Hanging out with friends. Talking online with friends. I like to read. John Eldridge’s book The Journey of Desire: Searching for the Life We Only Dreamed Of fascinates me.”

Holy desire: Our ancient passion for God. Lovin’ people.