Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"We were looking for a church that takes transformation seriously."

Transformed. Global.

After a summer at the South Pole during college, Greg Loring was assigned to work in Denver. Worshipping at Littleton Bible Chapel he met Renae, a UNC graduate and school teacher who was going to Ecuador to teach in a mission school. They first dated on Memorial Day. She left for South America on July 18th. They were married on July 19th the following year.

When did you become a Christ follower?

Greg: As a high school freshman I went with my parents to an Amway motivational weekend seminar. Inspired by a former Baptist minister on Sunday I made a commitment during an altar call. The first person I told was my Dad.

Renae: I made a commitment to Christ when I was 5. My Christian parents nurtured me. I struggled with my faith in high school and during my freshman year in college.

God delayed my longstanding prayer for a mentor until my sophomore year. Then many women came into my life to encourage and help me define what faith means. They confirmed my gift for women’s work and suggested I learn about mentoring. I eventually was put in charge of the women’s mentoring program at Grace Chapel. It was as if God had provided mentors for my life and was now saying, “You do it.”

What brought you to Discovery Church?

Greg: The drive to our old church from Thornton was long and our children needed a fresh program.

Renae: We were taking classes in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary and met Tim Daly who invited us.

What do you like about Discovery?

Renae: The children’s program really met our kid’s needs.

Greg: Our life group is important. We share a commitment to live life together with them.

Renae: We love watching God do amazing things in people’s lives. We love Steve and Lisa.

How has your faith fleshed out in service at Discovery?

Renae: The children’s department and women’s ministry have been important.

Greg: I’ve helped usher. We’ve hosted Life Groups.

You supervise the Global Partners program. Tell me about it.

Renae: Dan Reich helped get it going. We select an advocate for each of our global partners. They bring the heart and life of the mission field to Discovery and convey the heart and life of our church to our global partner. It’s important because this is the heartbeat of God for all nations.

Greg: We’d love to involve families – our children’s ministry – in this. We’d like to do family mission trips.

We were looking for a church that takes transformation seriously. We’ve got to be different – growing in character and connection to Christ. We learned that we are “transformed together” through community. That’s Discovery Church.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Prayers for Discovery Church and Our Global Partners

Discovery Church Prayers

1. That God will continue to burden us with people who are: outsiders, deeply broken, unchurched, and that God would use us to be His hands and feet to these people.

2. For our location plans; that God would lead and provide as we move to Arabian and then to our land. Part of this is prayer for wisdom about selling some land to fund our building plans.

3. Prayers for the people in our church in need of healing, comfort and peace.

4. Prayer for our leadership team and staff - that we would listen to God, have the courage to follow God's direction

5. Prayer that God would use our community with each other in study of His word and service to shape our hearts and grow our faith.

From Ylli and Nikki Docci in Albania

1. Praise God for the 103 Albanian staff that serve with us. Pray for unity and healthy relationships among us all.

2. Pray for each of the teams as they plan this month for their respective ministries for the '09-'10 school year (grade schools start Sept 15. University starts 0ctober 1st).

3. Pray for godly marriages among our staff that will shine the light of Christ to Albania.

4. Pray for the staff wives who will be going through the book The New Dare to Discipline. Pray for application of what we learn (there are 40 children among our staff, all under the age of 11).

5. Pray for our family - wisdom for Ylli as he leads this growing ministry, that we will minister out of our love relationship for God, that God will protect us and our children. Pray for His peace to reign in our hearts and in our home.

6. Pray for preparation for the Josh McDowell outreaches Oct. 21-25. Pray that many students, parents and politicians will come to Christ as a result of Josh's week here!

Praise God for wonderful people like you who partner with us financially and prayerfully.

Aaron Carmichael in China

1. Motivation for language acquisition

2. Divine gifting for the ability to learn Chinese

3. Staying connected to his old students/relationships built in previous years

4. Continued partnership with other Christian teams and Chinese Christian leader (house churches, college ministries, etc.)

a. to be able to be an encouragement to these people

b. to be a resource to them

c. to be a support to them

5. Transition from being on a 24/7 Christian team to a potentially more isolating "independent" missionary .

Dan and Christie Reich in Paraguay

For their family:

Encouragement and prayers for continuing to do both Paraguayan school and home school, though it is more and more overwhelming for Christie. The last two weeks were weeks of exams (even elementary schoolers have to take EXAMS, these tests where they have to study what they copied into their little notebooks and be ready to reproduce it. The hardest tests have been (not surprisingly) Guarani, but others were challenging too. Some days instead of home school, Christie helped the boys study their Paraguayan school stuff. We so like being part of the school and this year Christie is the parent council Treasurer... the school year will be winding down in a couple of months, ending end of November or so.


1. For believers who are trying to win their families.

2. For numerical growth in Bible studies and on Sundays.

3. For good health.

4. For the boys doing great in both schools.

Prayer requests...

1. Complete restoration for a 20-something single girl Christian who got pregnant and then had an abortion... in her admitting her failure she is struggling to feel forgiven. We are sticking with her and we think she is sincere in her repentance but unable to accept herself and believe that God will accept her.

2. For believers to not only learn God's word and put it into practice, but to be so impacted by Jesus that they teach others what they are learning as well. Pray they would be like Ezra: (Ezra 7:10) ...Ezra had determined to study and obey the law of the Lord and to teach those laws and regulations to the people of Israel.

3. For us to hear from God what is most important for each day, to be able to plan ahead while remaining flexible to the Holy Spirit. That even though we as missionaries are doing many things, that the way we do them and the way we structure church ministries will make them "batons" that can be passed to different believers and effectively carried by them... so that when we leave for another home assignment in 2 years, they truly will be carrying the batons and we will leave a ministry that functions and keeps growing without us. For true conversion, not just superficial acquiescence to a different religion but a heartfelt, grateful faith that is aware of personal sin, repentant, joyfully receptive of salvation as a free gift, and totally committed to living out what Christ teaches.

The 10/10 Project

(Denver based non-profit addresses systemic global poverty by creating awareness, initiating action, and ultimately encouraging participants to become activists on behalf of the global poor.)


Michael Nyangi was the victim of a carjacking. He is safe and unscathed, though you can see from his email that is a major blessing from God:

It was on Tuesday 11th at 7pm when I arrived at my place of stay in Ayany at the parking yard. Immediately I switched off the engine of my car, then a group of 3 armed men came pointing me with the gun. They forced me to re-start the engine of the car for them and they sped off with me sitting at the back seat. My face was covered and I never new what was taking place. The watchman managed to escape, he informed the police and at 10pm the police manage to track the car. One funny thing is that the police opened live bullet not knowing that I was inside.

The thugs run away leaving me as a victim. I thank God because I was not hit by the spraying bullet, though the car was seriously damaged and two innocent people were also hit by the spraying bullet. One of them died after two days. None of the thugs were arrested, all escaped unhurt. I went to the hospital for first aid and I proceeded for an x-ray the following day. I was hit by splashing wind screen on the face and the head. I thanks God for having saved my life I'm doing well now and continuing with the work of breaking the cycle of poverty. The story is very sad indeed and I find it difficult to explain how I came out safe.

Pray for a Computer lab for Candlelight

We have a very important fundraising campaign ending on September 18th for a computer lab at Candlelight school. It is important for several reasons.

  • First off, it will provide primary school students with essential computer skills that will empower their educational and vocational future. For each of the 307 kids, this will be their first time using a computer or the internet! How exciting
  • Secondly, this is our pilot project on Global Giving, which is an online marketplace for projects like ours. If we reach $4000 from 50 donors we get a permanent spot. This would be a major blessing for us. It would give us access to whole new circles of donors for our future projects. We are a bit behind on meeting that goal, only 25% of the way there. So if you could bring up this need for prayer and consideration, visit http://globalgiving.com/3695 to find out more and support the project.

Fred and Alice in Kenya

Much greetings from us here in Kenya. We are all doing fine as we continue spreading the Gospel and minister to the children God has entrusted on our care. I had gone for a prayer and fasting about a month ago and felt a great challenge from God. My prayer was based on the prayer of Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:10, 'Jabez cried out to the God of Israel: “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.

Before going to pray I felt I had so many things and wanted to relinquish some of them but as I was praying I found asking God for more opportunities for service and His kingdom.

Recently I went to the police cells and some of the prisoners asked for prayers. When they were released they went talking about the way they saw Christ face by face. Since then I decided to embark on preaching every week from Wednesday to Saturday night.

I started by preaching in Matopeni and the following week we went to Njiru and have been interchanging just like that and surely we have seen God moving. I did not think I could do well preaching in crusades but God has given me the grace for that work. The only challenge I am facing is to have good public address system so I cannot strain when preaching and to have to voice reach out to many. Pray with us that we shall get good instruments to use. I mainly need four good and strong speakers, a bigger amplifier, a mixer and 4 microphones to help me do the work effectively.

I have also seen God bringing more people our way to be ministered to. I recall a pastor that had once attended my teaching in one of the pastors conference that I was teaching came to invite me visit his church. When we went to this church we found out that all members remove their shoes as they entered the church. John looked at me and asked "Dad, should we also remove our shoes? I told him we were not to remove our shoes so in the whole church it was our family that had shoes on.

It was a tough situation and I wondered what I was to preach in this church, during the worship time God gave me a word to preach about our calling. I started from the time God created Adam, to Abraham's calling, Moses and to when Jesus called the disciples. I talked on how God told Moses to remove the shoes because he was approaching a holy place. I tried to inform them that the shoes Moses was wearing was the sin he had committed and he could not approach a Holy God with sins in his heart.

This again has given me a burden of reaching out to teach pastors with the true gospel. I am so happy that the bishop of the church came with his pastor and has requested I organize training for his pastor. I pray that I become an instrument of change to these pastors so they can stand with the truth in their churches. Pray that we can bring transformation in such churches as we reach out to them.

We admitted an new student in the safe house called Ruth whom we need you pray for. Ruth has come from a very difficult background since her child hood. Her parents passed on when she was still young and from then she has been moving from one guardian to another. Always she says things have been happening when she is with these guardians, maybe death or loose of job and is forced to be taken elsewhere. The last person she was staying with (her brother) passed on two months ago leaving her with no where to go. In the family she says now are left with one more sibling. She has been blaming herself thinking she has a curse. As God has brought her our way we would like her to see God's love on her life.

Everline is another girl we would like you pray for, she last her mother while still young and the father married again. The step mother was not so loving to her, unfortunately the father whom she loved so much passed on early this year. When the father died she wanted to commit suicide and someone brought her to us. She still has not forgotten about her father, we encourage her to know God loves her and has better plans for her.

Pray also for the meetings you will be having when you come over in November, we do pray that you will touch many lives.

Thank you for the invitation to stay at your home when I come. I will be happy to do so, you can arrange with Adam because I believe he will be in charge of that.

Sing to the LORD, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.

Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples. (psalm 96:2-3)

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Mathew 28:16-20)

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.

Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.

Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

Look to the LORD and his strength;
seek his face always.

Remember the wonders he has done,
his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced, (psalm 105:1-5)