Sunday, August 30, 2009

This is What the Love of God Looks Like...

Dearest Discovery Family,

Where do we begin to tell you with our hearts thank you? Our journey with you in some ways feels like it has only just begun and in others it feels like we have been with you a lifetime. Let us begin by saying thank you for showing our entire family the love of Christ in so many ways. Our Discovery Church family has shown us what being a part of the family of Christ is to look like: community, service, sacrifice, love, and commitment. When many of you first learned of Scott's deteriorating health and wondered what could be done, many of you came forward and said, "I want to be a donor, by giving part of my liver." That spoke to not only us, but our extended family in so many ways by saying this is what the love of Christ looks like, feels like, and acts like. Thank you, our hearts are forever filled with deep love and honor to know and be a part of such a beautiful body of believers. The countless meals and sweet love and labor that went into that, or the maintenance around our home to pulling weeds in our garden (isn't that a beautiful picture of Christ's love for us!). To the deep love for our children, Noelle and Noah who alongside us have seen and felt what it is to be literally held up by fellow believers when we have little strength left. Thank you for the countless ways you have served and loved us!

Secondly, we want to say we are incredibly thankful for your most generous love offering taken on our behalf. We have seen God in so many ways through each of you as we have walked through the waters of Scott's liver transplant and continued recovery. God is so faithful and He has proven to show us new mercies every day. the words we type are only a small piece of what our heart feels for the body of believers at Discovery that we are blessed to call family!

Discovery, it is a blessing and honor to be a part of you, to call your our family, to serve and grow right alongside of you as a community of believers seeking to serve our Heavenly Father! We desire the opportunity to serve you as we move into a new beginning in our lives.

We are blessed!

Much Love,
Scott, Angie, Noelle & Noah Sullivan

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