Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Community Garden

Cherlyn, Cherlyn, whose loam is merry land, how does Discoveryʼs garden grow?

Close your eyes and imagine... Our property on 144th... 15 (8 ft. x 8 ft.) garden plots... 3 (4ft. x 4 ft.) plots. Each plot tended by a Discovery family growing spring, summer and fall vegetables - peas, onions, carrots, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, zucchini and more. Two big community plots, 10ft. x 60ft., sprouting food for anyone in the community needing fresh veggies but finding it unaffordable.

Cherlyn Morin is a southern Illinois farm girl who grew up with gardening.

I couldn't stand store tomatoes. Iʼm in heaven when Iʼm in a garden.

Cherlyn went to CSU graduating with a marketing degree. She and Eric were looking for a church when they received a Discovery mailer eight years ago and began attending.

I grew up in a Church of God and did what you do in a church family. I decided to follow Jesus Christ when I was 12. It became personal then, but it was easier because of my family influences. When Eric died, it was more difficult. I had to choose to follow Christ.

How does the Community Garden work?

There are eighteen plots for family gardening. Seventeen of them are reserved. We charge a fee ($40 for the larger, $25 for the smaller plots) which goes for fencing, developing paths and amendments for the community plots. We ask each family to contribute 10% of their produce to the Food Bank. Families are responsible to plant and care for their own gardens. Along with other volunteers, they care for the two large community plots. We give the produce from the community gardens to food banks.

What about the person who has no gardening experience but would like to help?

Weʼll show you what to do. Itʼs not hard to learn. Weʼll teach you to plant, weed, cultivate and water. Weʼll show you the difference between a vegetable and a weed.

Where do we get the water?

A wonderful neighbor, Denise OʼConnor, has graciously allowed us to use her water. There is no sprinkler system. Our people stand with a hose and water the veggies.

When does this start?

May 23 is planting day. Beginning at 2:00 p.m. weʼll put out the vegetables and finish by sharing a tailgate meal. Kids are welcome. They can work too. Harvest begins last of July and goes through October. That's the fun stuff.